No hacks, No gimmicks, No 10 point plans

Wednesday Recap #11 19.06.24

Every time I think I’ve found something new, I realise I’ve just rediscovered something old! And that’s what has happened, I’ve rediscovered the things that make me better. The elements of this rediscovery are simple, boring, uncomfortable and highly rewarding.

So what are these mystical things? Hard cardio, weights (resistance training), cold water, good diet, self-disciplined strategic planning. That’s it, no hack no mystery, no gimmicks, no novelty, no 10 point plan.

The question then is why does this work? The training and cold water positively affect how you feel though the good stuff comes afterwards rather than during, the good diet control the quality of the fuel you are putting into your engine, and the self-disciplined strategic planning getting the bits done you don’t want to get done!

I think everyone knows what they need to do to be a better version of themselves, and it’s normally pretty straightforward! But it’s also hard and that’s why we want gimmicks or shortcuts or hacks, we want to remove the discomfort of doing the hard things. Stephen Pressfield in the War of Art references shadow careers, something we invest in to keep us away from the things we really need, or want to do.


“No hacks, no gimmicks, no 10 point plans…just hard work and consistency!”


1. There has just been a lot of writing emails, phoning people and trying to follow up on this and that.

2. Personal strategic planning!

3. Artistic planning. Hopefully this will be important for the future and though it doesn’t always feel like it, this is actually very important to do!

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