A Dander Through Narnia

A Dander Through Narnia is a quickish introduction to the wonderful world of Narnia, along with its eclectic host of inhabitants, and occasional earthly visitors. It is a world that has been conjured up by Northern Irish author CS Lewis.

This one man show journeys through the seven books: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (1950), Prince Caspian (1951), The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (1952), The Silver Chair (1953), The Horse and His Boy (1954), The Magician’s Nephew (1955), and The Last Battle (1956).

So what happens on this Dander Through Narnia? Well, as best we can, and without the aid of a time machine, we travel back to the past, not so much an era, more to a time and place of excitement and wonder and awe. And here the story teller gives explanation, or more accurately … introductions to the stories, but of course this is done without giving anything away.

The performance’s narrative has been created by weaving together dialogue, poems and excerpts from the books. While the tale is illustrated by the projection of words and watercolour pictures, the use of props and even a few Narnia themed banners!

The show, which has a run time of roughly 1 hour, is accessible to everyone though the script draws from the Hamely Tongue of Ulster Scots.

So if your a Narnian aficionado, a novice or indeed a newcomer this is a dander that is worth taking!