Peep Frae Your Mind

Peep Frae Your Mind is available here

From the introduction.

Peep Frae Your Mind is my second volume of poems. They are better than the first, because I have been more ruthless, ‘less is more’.

These poems are thoughts; recollections; ponderings; snap shots of time; deliberations upon events; and the playing with words for the expression of emotion. But they are all meaningful to me, at some level.

Some are written solely in Standard English, others in Ulster Scots, others in a combination of both. This is a good representation of my speech, sometimes Ulster Scots, sometimes Standard English, but normally a combination.

Thank you Angela Graham for that gentle prod to actually do something with these poems.

The picture on the front cover is the iconology of my writing: a keyboard and headphones. The keyboard is writing; the headphones are the hearing of my work (via text-to-speech technology). #Dyslexia #DyslexicWriter