Sled Down

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Sled Down Book Cover
Sled Down – front cover

From the back of the book.

Disaster has struck. It is the 21st December, and two technicians from the EED (the Elvish Engineering Department) have taken Santa’s sled for a test run. Having dangerously zipped along the River Foyle, the fateful message “SLED DOWN!” flashes up on the screens at the North Pole.

With time running out, can four friends from different backgrounds work together to save Christmas? Ralph (a buzzard), Betty (a collie dog – that’s a sheep dog for the city folk), Susan (a sheep, you know what a sheep is), Finbar (a mouse, we’ve all got mice!) and their Headteacher the Wise Old Owl set out to save Christmas…well, they set out to help by doing their best!

Robert Campbell is the father of three young children. Having come to a love of reading, writing and books a wee bit later than you’re meant too, he now relishes reading to his children and composing stories for them. “SLED DOWN!” is his first published children’s book. The story is set around Culmore, Inishowen and Derry’s Walls, but you don’t need to know anything about any of these places to enjoy it.

Sled Down is available here