Story Telling & Workshops

Hi, I’m Robert Campbell, a storyteller (of my own stories), an author and facilitator of very child friendly creative writing / story creation workshops. So far I’ve written three children’s books: “Captain Timmy and the Bobbing Barrel” “Sled Down” and “George and the Elephant.”

What I offer!

Immersive storytelling sessions – these story sessions are based on abridged versions of my published children’s books, and others that are as yet unpublished. The sessions are fun and suited to all age ranges. The children are given opportunity to participate, while there are also plenty of props to look at!

Child friendly Creative writing / Story creation workshops – these workshops are lively, fun and zany, and sometimes even a little madcap! These sessions help children unlock their amazing ideas and epic imagination, and turn them into story outlines and themes. [These can be finished off or written up in class.]

Making it come alive with art, speaking, & acting. These are follow up session/s to either the immersive story telling sessions or creative writing workshops. This gives the children an opportunity to bring their work alive.

Hamely Tongue Creative Writing Session – this unique workshop offer both children or adults the opportunity to creatively use some very familiar Ulster Scots words and phrases.

Get in touch to organise an event!

I offer: Single Session Rates; Day Rates; Special Events; Programs.

Some Schools Visited!