Agent – Secret, Estate, Literary???

Wednesday Recap #12 26.06.24 When I think of an agent, I think of a secret agent: James Bond, George Smiley, Johnny English, you get the idea. Or less excitingly an estate agent. But the arts also have agents. So what is an agent? Or what does it mean? In Latin, where we get the word … Continue reading Agent – Secret, Estate, Literary???

No hacks, No gimmicks, No 10 point plans

Wednesday Recap #11 19.06.24 Every time I think I’ve found something new, I realise I’ve just rediscovered something old! And that’s what has happened, I’ve rediscovered the things that make me better. The elements of this rediscovery are simple, boring, uncomfortable and highly rewarding. So what are these mystical things? Hard cardio, weights (resistance training), … Continue reading No hacks, No gimmicks, No 10 point plans

Don’t let ideas feaster…Have a plan!

What is the worst thing you can do to an idea? Do nothing with it! Now, I don’t mean a passing thought or a daydream, I mean an actual idea. I’ve done that, I’ve an idea, a plan, a structure, an objective, and I did nothing with it! The idea would be better dying in the light than festering in the dark! #writer #author #authorhelps #hardtruthsforwriters #wordsmith #dyslexicwordsmith #dyslexia #dyslexic #dyslexicwriter #dyslexicauthor

Joe Wicks (fortitude)

Joe Wicks - the UK’s most famous fitness coach! The live PE sessions during the lock down for kids; the books; the YouTube channel; the public events; the TV appearances; the MBE! Joe Wicks is good at what he does, he has energy and passion, he has fame and success. But for me the main thing is fortitude in the face of rejection and failure. I remember him telling a story about standing outside a railway station in London handing out fliers for fitness boot camps in local parks; and no one turned up, not a single person! He was young, enthusiastic, hopeful, proactive, and pretty much trying to do what he does now! So how did Joe Wicks become so successful? And here I have to look in from the outside, and as Roy Walker used to say on Catchphrase, “say what you see.”