Agent – Secret, Estate, Literary???

Wednesday Recap #12 26.06.24 When I think of an agent, I think of a secret agent: James Bond, George Smiley, Johnny English, you get the idea. Or less excitingly an estate agent. But the arts also have agents. So what is an agent? Or what does it mean? In Latin, where we get the word … Continue reading Agent – Secret, Estate, Literary???

No hacks, No gimmicks, No 10 point plans

Wednesday Recap #11 19.06.24 Every time I think I’ve found something new, I realise I’ve just rediscovered something old! And that’s what has happened, I’ve rediscovered the things that make me better. The elements of this rediscovery are simple, boring, uncomfortable and highly rewarding. So what are these mystical things? Hard cardio, weights (resistance training), … Continue reading No hacks, No gimmicks, No 10 point plans

Foundations – unthought of but vital

Wednesday Recap #6 22.05.24 Thought Foundations are unseen, aesthetically ugly, and controlling of shape. But they are also vital, formative and give structural integrity! Foundations are vital for everything we do or hope to do. Foundations are easy to dig when we are building something. However foundations are amazingly difficult to rectify once built on. … Continue reading Foundations – unthought of but vital

Story Telling: Learning By Doing.

“My objective is very simple - I want the kids to enjoy themselves. And my story is a means to that end, theoretically I could tell the whole story in 4 or 5 paragraphs, or in a book that could take a couple of hours to read, or in a performance with visuals, and props, and sound effects, and participation, and acting. I love writing stories but I get the most enjoyment telling them, and the only way to improve is to do!”

Don’t let ideas feaster…Have a plan!

What is the worst thing you can do to an idea? Do nothing with it! Now, I don’t mean a passing thought or a daydream, I mean an actual idea. I’ve done that, I’ve an idea, a plan, a structure, an objective, and I did nothing with it! The idea would be better dying in the light than festering in the dark! #writer #author #authorhelps #hardtruthsforwriters #wordsmith #dyslexicwordsmith #dyslexia #dyslexic #dyslexicwriter #dyslexicauthor

Magic, Mystery, CS Lewis and to Much Christmas

“I am not a trained author, I do not possess GCSE English Lit never mind the thingy majiggy you get from a university. Therefore my writing has been a process. Normally a very simple process: write good sentences. At the start that was good sentences that were understandable and not full of repetition…” #Writing #Author #WritingTips #CSLewis #Narnia #GeorgeandtheElephant #Creativity #Imagination

What is my mission? Not worrying about it and doing!

Years ago I used to wrestle with ‘what is my mission’, now I just do! I am a writer and creative therefore I must write and create. My mission is to do what I am. I’m other things too - so I do them. Please don’t read this as passivity through life - it is actually the opposite. It is intentional and mindful activity. You find yourself in your doing. You discover in doing. You discover that you weren’t that, or you weren’t that in the way you thought you were. You discover that you need to grind, or develop, or study. So no matter what doing is your teacher. So if you don’t know your life’s mission…then mindfully and purposefully do. But my final thought is to repeat myself, when you do something and serendipity tells you, this is not the thing, you’d be very wise to listen, as there is only so much you can do, and that your time upon this spinning orb is limited!

Did you know a private dyslexia test costs over £500?

Did you know a private dyslexia test costs over £500. Did you know an undiagnosed highly functioning dyslexic child can appear to have no SEN problems. Did you know that if an undiagnosed highly functioning dyslexic child’s Standardised Test results are high enough a SEN assessment will not appear necessary. Did you know that an … Continue reading Did you know a private dyslexia test costs over £500?